Why should a newborn baby have a chiropractic checkup?

“We firmly believe that all babies deserve their nervous system to be running at 100%.”
According to Gutmann (1), a researcher who examined the effects of the birth process, “Birth trauma is still underestimated and therefore under-treated.”
There are many factors that can cause birth trauma, including:
- Work very long or very short delivery
- Lack of dilation of the cervix
- Using drugs to increase the intensity of contractions
- The use of vacuum extraction or forceps, cesarean delivery due to lack of progress
- A wrong position in the birth canal or acute fetal distress

” Chiropractors are trained to assess and reduce the effects of birth trauma. ”
Unfortunately, many couples are not aware that the use of anesthesia for pain relief during labor often leads to a more complicated delivery, potentially involving forceps, vacuum or cesarea.
Chiropractors are trained to assess and reduce the effects of birth trauma. Ideally, babies should be reviewed and adjusted as soon as possible after birth to help alleviate spinal problems and nervous stress that can be caused by:
- Abnormal position in the uterus.
- The journey through the birth canal.
- During childbirth itself.
More than 1,500 babies were studied regularly over a period of eight years for Viola Frymann (2), an osteopathic doctor.
All infants were examined within the first five days of birth; in fact, many were reviewed in the first 24 hours of birth. This study revealed that approximately:
• 10% had severe head trauma, which was obvious to anyone.
• The remaining 80%, had certain patterns of tension in the cranial mechanism.
Therefore, this study revealed that at least 90% of babies who participated had suffered some trauma of birth and had tension in the neck and cranial areas.
These studies are part of an extensive research that supports less invasive approaches to birth and confirms the benefits check spine and nervous system of a newborn.
5 reasons why we encourage parents to bring their babies to a chiropractor check:
1 1. To increase the general welfare of your child.
2 2. To strengthen the immune system and reduce the incidence of colds, earaches and diseases in general. To help alleviate asthma, allergies and respiratory difficulties.
3 3. To help in cases of colic and irritable baby syndrome. That is, a child with digestive problems and sleep.
4 4. Breastfeeding better (the baby suckles better).
5 5. To improve the position of the spine and brain development and nerves.

Regular chiropractic checkups can help protect your child from diseases or allergies.
” An emotional stress can also cause nerve dysfunction “
Your baby may not be ill, but his spine may be developing vertebral subluxations. If not improved or removed, these subluxations can cause stress in the communication systems of the body, particularly the nervous and immune system. Regular chiropractic checkups can help protect your child from diseases or allergies.
Other physical causes of vertebral subluxation include being positioned in the car seat for long periods of time or sleep in the car seat without proper support for the spine and neck.
Nerve dysfunction can also result from chemical toxicity via exposure to certain vaccines, antibiotics, pesticides or hormones in the food we eat as well as pollution in the atmosphere.
An emotional stress can also cause nerve dysfunction. An example might be a baby that was separated from his mother in hospital (without skin-to-skin contact) for a long time or a mother who can not sleep because her baby has colic (thus creating a vicious cycle).
” The ability of chiropractic to affect neurological function has been demonstrated by many authors and numerous studies “
The ability of chiropractic to affect neurological function has been demonstrated by many authors and numerous studies documenting how a proper spinal function can improve immune system function. When vertebral subluxations occur, nerve irritation causes an alteration of communication between body systems. This lack of harmony promotes disease and a lower quality of life.
” The problem may be with mum´s spine “
After giving birth hormones may remain in your system for six weeks or more and it takes even longer to strengthen your pelvis and ligaments, depending on your activity level. It is common to have pelvic “instability” after birth which your chiropractor can help you with. Your posture will change, because you have your head down watching your baby for a long time while you are breastfeeding or while changing the diaper of your baby, which causes a lot of stress on the neck and mid back.
Nerves from the mid back control mammary glands, which if irritated can affect their function and produce less milk or causes breast tenderness.
” We do not just focus on symptoms “
Health can not be measured by how we feel, but how our body can withstand the stressors that we receive. True health is achieved through a properly functioning nervous system, which is achieved though chiropractic adjustments, good nutrition, quality sleep, exercise, minimising toxins, reducing stress, as well as positive and happy thoughts. These same principles also apply to the small people in our lives; the health of our children is no less important than our own. The health of your child is your biggest investment.

1) Gutmann G. Blocked Atlantal Nerve Syndrome in Babies and Infants. Manuelle Medizin. 1987;25:5-10.
2) Frymann VM. Springall P. Effect of Osteopathic Medical Management on Neurologic Development in Children.
JAOA. 1992;92:729.